When absolute acceleration values are essential, let us test and calibrate your equipment.
We can help consult clients to achieve ISO 17025 SAC-SINGLAS Accredited Laboratory.

  • Vibration sensor calibration
  • Vibration controller calibration
  • Vibration meter
  • Environmental chamber calibration


There is no substitute for practical experience when it comes to product design and qualification testing.

During prototype testing, below advance features may be needed for understanding the dynamic characteristic of the product, improving the product reliability, and for counter measuring the failure observed during testing.

  • Resonance Search, Track and Dwell, to be able to observe the product behaviour under the worst vibration environment.
  • Frequency Response Function (Transmissibility and Q Factor), to be able to understand the dynamic characteristic of the product.
  • Transient Capture, to be able to understand the product behaviour during the transient shock event.
  • Field Data Replication, to be able to replicate exactly the same time domain vibration environment.
  • Kurtosis Control, to be able to adjust the fatigue damage experienced by the product and maintain the PSD curve at the same time.
  • Accelerated Testing, to be able to shorten the testing period and maintain the similar fatigue damage at the same time.

ISTA 6 Amazon Test

Shock and Random Profile

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

ISO 45001:2018 Certificate

We work together with Accredited Labs

Which helps to demonstrate our ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

And at the same time enabling us to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health, eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities, address OH&S management system nonconformities associated with our activities, as well as proactively improving our OH&S performance.